Counselling and advisory services for families from Ukraine
The war in Ukraine has displaced many from their homes, who are now seeking protection and safety in the neighbouring countries and in Germany. The majority of those coming to our country are mothers with their children and pregnant women.
The NZFH has compiled an overview of available counselling and advisory services as well as important information for pregnant women and for families in the Ukrainian language. This overview also includes offers in Russian and English, as many refugees from Ukraine also speak those languages. The list of offers will be updated regularly.
Version dated: 10/05/2023
Counselling and advisory services
Helpline Ukraine
Helpline Ukraine provides free advice by phone at 0800 500 225 0 for children, young people and adults having fled the war in Ukraine. The service is confidential and advises on worries and issues. Advise is offered in the Ukrainian and Russian language from Monday to Friday from 2 to 5 PM.
Helpline Ukraine is a joint project of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs and the ‘Nummer gegen Kummer’ association with the assistance of Deutsche Telekom.
Hotline for pregnant women in need
The hotline for pregnant women in need or in distress operated by the Federal Office for Family Affairs can be reached at any time at 0800 40 40 020. Qualified counsellors offer anonymous advice and provide assistance free of charge in Ukrainian, Russian and English. The hotline also has an anonymous online counselling service at:
Information and advice online – mbeon
Migrants can use the mbeon app to anonymously seek advice free of charge in either Russian or English online. The app connects adult migrants with qualified counsellors working for various organisations, e.g. the German Red Cross or the Federation of Expellees (Ger: Bund der Vertriebenen).
Federal Foundation – Mother and Child (Ger: Bundesstiftung Mutter und Kind)
The Federal Foundation Mother and Child provides support to pregnant women in need and financial aid, for example, for baby clothing and for other necessities after the birth. Displaced pregnant women coming from Ukraine can also take advantage of the Foundation's offers by filing an unbureaucratic application at many pregnancy counselling offices.
Flyer in Ukrainian
Flyer in Russian
Flyer in English
You can find a pregnancy counselling service office near you at:
Health information
"Maternal Health" brochure
This brochure provides information on pregnancy and birth in Russian and English. It is published by MiMi, the health project "mit Migranten für Migranten" (with migrants for migrants) organised by the Ethno-Medical Center (Ethno-Medizinisches Zentrum e. V.).
This website provides information on the human body in Russian and English using both images and texts, as well as audio playback. It provides information on pregnancy, childbirth, sexuality and contraception. Zanzu is a project of the Federal Centre for Health Education (Ger: Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA)) and Sensoa, the Flemish expertise centre for sexual health.
Entry registration and staying in Germany
Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community (Ger: BMI)
The Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community has created a new online portal for refugees from Ukraine. The portal offers answers to questions people fleeing the war in Ukraine are often confronted with after their arrival in Germany: Where can I find a place to stay? Am I allowed to work? Whom can I turn to if I get sick? More information will be added and the portal expanded as the situation develops. The information is available in Ukrainian, Russian, English and German.
Frequently asked questions about entering Germany from Ukraine and residing in Germany (available in Ukrainian, Russian and English)
Information for asylum seekers from Ukraine offered by the Informationsverbund Asyl und Migration (Information Network Asylum and Migration)
Handbook Germany
This website offers current, up-to-date information and addresses on living in Germany (available in Ukrainian, Russian and English).