Why shaking is so dangerous?
When parents lose control – even only for a few seconds – and end up shaking their baby, they can inflict life-long damage. Infants are not yet able to hold their heads up on their own. When shaken, the head is thrust back and forth. It can lead to major brain injuries. This is called shaken baby syndrome. Blood vessels and nerve fibers may tear. Seizures, as well as mental and physical disabilities can be a result: 10 to 30 percent of affected children die from this.
Also, tell grandparents, neighbors and babysitters about the dangers of shaking a baby. Should you lose control – take your child to the next hospital immediately!
Being strong – staying in control
The relentless crying of a baby can be very stressful for parents, especially if all attempts to settle the baby fail. It may be that you get desperate, and angry.
Is your baby's crying stressing you out?
Remember: It's not your baby's fault that it is crying. It is not crying to annoy you.
Never shake your baby!
Are you noticing that you are losing control?
Proceed as follows:
- Lay your baby down in a safe place, e.g. in a cot or on the floor.
- Leave the room.
- Take a deep breath.
- Check on your child every few minutes.
- Seek assistance if needed
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